Monday, August 23, 2010

Vegetable Demise

I'm not sure where I went wrong this year with my vegetable garden. I am guessing that the area doesn't get enough sun, yet it seemed to thrive last year. My second guess would be that I didn't amend the soil enough. While I used compost, I didn't really add anything else. My large tomato plant "Best Boy" yielded one tomato. The tomato was large, juicy and quite perfect. I got so excited for more and they never came. The plant instead decided to grow -- a lot. This tomato plant grew over 6 feet straight up. I have never had a plant so tall and so barren. I suppose it is one of those times when it has the nutrients to grow the leaves, not the fruit. My cherry tomato plant seemed to produce just fine, but the plant itself was a mess. I think it got taken over by spider mites. I tired spraying several times but it didn't seem to make a difference. The leaves were all curled and would turn brown. Yet, it didn't seem to stop the tomatoes from growing! I constantly cut the plant back and it would still grow and produce. It was a sad plant, but I guess it did its job. Maybe I will get it right next year.

My cucumber plant was also disappointing this year. While it had plenty of fruit, the cucumbers themselves were small and curved. They didn't produce the cucumbers until later in the Summer than usual and I'm not sure about that either. Now, my cucumber is holding on to life -- still producing cucumbers. The same thing happened last year in August. Aphids, white flies, etc. seem to take over the plant in August and no matter what I do, I can't win. Sadly, I have now given up on spraying it because I have the cutest Pray Mantis that lives on it. Did I just say, cute?

My strawberry plant had lots of fruit and is still flowering. The sad part is that all of the strawberries were small and sour. I'm pretty sure it needs more sun. The plant itself has done well, despite the dry spells. However, it seems to need a little water every day.

My pepper plant is loving this heat as long as it's watered. I have only gotten 2 peppers so far, but this plant is far from being done. It is still producing flowers. My basil has been a superstar as well. But that isn't surprising. Basil loves this heat. I have 2 varieties and they are so happy they have reseeded everywhere! However, I am surprised that my cilantro has held on all Summer because it doesn't like heat. It doesn't look great, but it is still alive.

Lastly, I have 2 varieties of oregano that seems to be the easiest plant to grow. It gets leggy, but just cut it back and it comes back like gang busters! Oh, and thyme, too -- doing great. The only herb that didn't make it was my parsley which is sad because it is a host plant for the black swallowtail butterfly.

I am getting to the point where I look forward to pulling everything out and starting over (well, not everything). I would really like to try a new spot for the veggies and herbs next year but I seem to be running out of room. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer 2010 pictures & Mini Update

So it has been a long time since I have posted. I guess this blog thing is harder than I thought. I spend so much time working in the yard, I don't have time to post and write! Here are a few pictures of the flowers, butterflies and "pet" spider in my garden. It is hard to believe that the Summer is nearing the end. Everything is in full bloom, though my tomato plants have given up and I have lost a few plants along the way (one winecup). My Zinnias are nearly as pretty as last year. I have the "small"ones but they are almost as tall! It seems just the flower size is mini. I need to find a better place for them next year. My favorite new plant of 2010 would be one I can't remember the name! It's the one with all of the butterflies on it. I have never had so many butterflies in my garden and I love it. The only down side is that this plant grows very fast and has taken over a large part of the garden (I have 2). I will post larger pictures soon, of the whole yard. I guess the best part of 2010 Summer is that we have had rain. So here we are in August and our grass is still alive! It also means I have been fighting disease and bugs that much more. Our Bur oak is happy, even the Crape Myrtles have grown 6 feet. However, it's all a work in progress. Until next time!